10 years, 700 classes, 1400 hours of English…My brother and I started attending Language School Association studying in 5th grade in order to ameliorate our academic performance in English. And we did it — since that time we have never had any marks lower than “5” in English neither at school, nor at the uni. When our academic record had been improved, we decided to continue our language learning voyage to get ready for a future job. Having acquired all the essential competencies for job market success, we continued our course just for the soul as Oyuna Dmitrievna, our superb teacher, as well as Dasha, the cutest groupmate, became a real family for us through years of our cooperation.As for the educational aspect, knowledge acquired here is absolutely upscale and the method of teaching them is extremely professional and effective. I want to express a great gratitude towards our best teacher ever Oyuna Dmitrievna whose colossal efforts are undeniably worthy of respect. Apart from certain English proficiency she has provided me with, Oyuna Dmitrievna has instilled in me a love of English, which is just invaluable. Not only is the way she teaches English informal, but also really gripping and completely heartfelt.Special thanks should be given to Ludmila Aleksandrovna, an administrator of the Association, who ensures students brilliant conditions for studies and creativity. Hadn’t she held a plethora of quizzes and contests, a collection of badges wouldn’t embellish my backpack! Moreover, thanks to VK posts, which Ludmila Aleksandrovna is responsible for, my horizons have considerably been broadened in the realms of Saint-Petersburg, animals, cinema etc.All in all, I’m proud of being a student of Oyuna Dmitrievna in the Language School Association. It was an extremely sweet 10 years!Ta!